Like humanity - this ALL USA-global connected whole, CAN'T B reasoned with, misc else, NECLEUS species Coming 2 eventually flip-turn in & upon itself-tearing itself apart worse than a paper shredder, LITERALLY treating & reducing each other USA-globally of fellow humanity worse more so than of past historically (repeating itself) like some-a thanksgiving turkey ie: a gun &/or knife whether a female is pregnant & then literally CEASED & then God created essentially-Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1 ie: baby cut outta the pregnant female & evil-unholy humorously put on public display like it's the newest thing. Huh, just EVERYTHING, as 2 deem, 1 could never have known just what they've been born in2 ie: a Holy War started long ago & brought 2 us ALL via Devil & STILL, sigh, humanity must die & it's Coming, in the worse way, so B it! Eternally HAIL HOLY TRINITY 4EVER! No matter me!