As with Deep State-Global Elite's, etc fill in blank's amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's amidst-amongst 195 individual countries worldwide USA-global of 1 NECLEUS species-humanity itself deeming, 'like to play with things a while before annihilation' & notion of 'just wait YO turn (above), we're getting or we'll get around 2 U ALL individually soon'; ugh, ALL cuz u 2date's U capable adult MORE OF 8,019,876,189 individual human's amidst-amongst 195 individual countries worldwide USA-global of 1 NECLEUS species-humanity itself STILL daily tick tock 'Time' ALLOW this 2 go on continuously despite ignoring the notion of U want it 2 stop? Then SELF deny Warrior FORCE MAKE IT STOP, but U won't & don't SO likewise via-ie: non human element's-nature of cause & effect repercussion's & ALL the vast-various-individual CAN'T B UNDONE, U know what I mean, ugh, sigh FINE, so B it then, have it YO way as immediately after YO last breath ie: death & VAST Coming judgment day B4 Jesus will eternally scream wishing U hadn't, huh, make NO mistake!