& YEAH WE ALL majority 'capable' adult 8 billion plus of this-we-U ALL USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity 'got a hand, misc in THIS Holy War fight' or-otherwise U deny Holy Trinity & CAN SELF expect after YO last breath ie: death 2 hear from Jesus: 'B GONE, I NEVER KNEW U!' DON'T B - via Holy Bible, a 'deny 3 times Peter', a Judas, Cain, misc else, B a (?), SELF deny Warrior Achilles & know the-YO non voluntary-non optional daily job-responsibility priorities 2-4 Holy Trinity OR expect spend eternity in Hell wishing U had, WE CLEAR?! As with past historically = '2 MUCH 4 2 lone (2date tick tock 'Time) & Coming = '2 little 2 late' via-ie: 3 word's that should mean something: 'WHEN - IN - (temporary tick tock 'Time' momentary NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 dust & ash adult human corpse) LIFE' & CAN B spoken by-from Jesus amidst YO Coming, after death, PRE judgment day processing!