Me - NOT weak but having witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetime's, hence or thus, however minimally, misc distraught, traumatized (it pains me) via it's the EXTERNAL (outside of myself - Being) that affects 1's INTERNAL within, despair, depressed, misc similar emotion's, misc BUT KNOW via Holy Trinity's Counsel 2 push onward-4th best I can B-ing a SELF deny tired, old school-from the streets, frail old man that's limited - got NO USA-global capable majority of 8 billion plus SELF deny Warrior straight-hetrosexual adult alpha male-beta female army under MY Command via Holy Trinity & there's 2 MUCH evil-unholy-immoral, misc GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity opposition (out there USA-globally, TOP-down) 2 where all I CAN DO is merely, NOT able 2 even scratch surface NOR make a dent, 'touched (do or die trying tick tock 'Time flies) delivery boy' outputting-put out of Holy Trinity's Counseled Holy intel info via usage of-with whatever tool's, misc I have available.