It's SO disheartening-distraught, misc but NOT weak-coward, misc of EXTERNAL affects 1's INTERNAL = trauma! It's purposefully caused 2 CEASE or not cease, "EH" just keeps it all daily (interesting?) of ongoing enslavement, misc of humanity including amidst of THOSE TOP rank & file, USA-global ie: suicide pact's, there can only eventually B 1 & when just 1, there will B NONE, GET it? Understand? WE CLEAR?! A species that can't B reasoned with is only eventual due 2 SELF extinct & take ALL with it human-non human (on Earth)-Earth itself & off Earth out there! God CAN crumble all up like used piece of paper & wouldn't have 2 even exhale via mere thought-blink an eye & OUT quicker-faster than a candle! U Deep State, (?, !) else think I care what U ALL deem U can do 2 me? BUT I'm no coward & I'm NOT playing, sigh huh GET YO heard clear or God CAN-will do it 4 U, WE CLEAR?!