As the Black window 'Command Prompt' has thing's you can do U can check on - review - make YO pc system better if need 2, U can web keyword search 4 it as well as LEARN about keyboard shortcut's U can use so that U can cut YO time typing something up manually along with use of (if U already have something archived & documented) U can use the keyword shortcut's of copy & paste, overall SELF learn 2 just B if even alittle bit better with YO overall daily low maintenance 'getting whatever U R doing on web - internet' work of alittle easier, hope it - that helps smile. & OH if U need 2 use a external backup drive, just simply remember NEVER keep it just plugged in cuz anything plugged in2 main pc system can B hacked so only plug external backup drive when U R off web - internet & NON connected, plug in, do what U need 2 & then unplug B4 going back on web - internet, just vast - various trick's & tip's that can help U, good luck, smile.