Were there any (whether properly married or single-celibate = NO shacking up NOR human breeding & via sexual aversion = DENYING 2 get involved in sexual activity, with avoidance of ANY touching or communication that leads 2 sexual involvement), straight-hetrosexual beta Christian female NO matter 1's human skin color race warriors in the Bible? Sigh huh I'D DEEM there NOT nearly enough even amidst ANY given military & law enforcement amongst 195 individual worldwide countries 8,019,876,189 individual human's! But in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Jewish literature, some women kill. Deborah, the only female judge of Israel, helps lead the Israelite army to war against the Canaanites. During that same war, a woman named Jael lures the Canaanite general into her tent, then kills him with a tent peg through the head. Were there any female Native American women warriors? But very few Americans know the names of the many native female warriors who fought—and sometimes died—alongside their male brethren. The truth about the history of warfare is that women have always participated as warriors in defending their children, their families, their tribes, their nation.