& with me doing MY given 'delivery boy' job via Holy Trinity on-with use of social media platform's, I DON'T do group's NOT chat, misc else except 4 only-solely alone 'drop' Holy intel info, misc thereof! Anything else is just adult juvenile nuisance-insidious-senseless-NOISE I NO got time 4 NOR bother spend my daily moment's dealing with nor paying any attention 2, just so U ALL know if U didn't 'GET' it B4, via humanity can't B reasoned with-nothing fazes nor registers internally within & misc else of the like-similar & if ANY 1 so to speak came-comes 2 me = then U R NOT doing YO job via Holy Trinity, nothing is about me & I'm no better than any as I'm just as human as any & doing MY given job via Holy Trinity! huh sigh as U were.