Now U Deep State, Men in Black, etc (fill in blank's) can go on doing whatever U deem if U so SELF choose ie: (?), 'We if we CAN fit majority if not all of humanity in2 the USA State of Texas & still, MAYBE, have room 2 move around, the CERTAINLY we CAN put all (above) thereof in2 the sole 1 worst (fill in blank's) prison & give them thereof a NEW play toy as 2 play with 4 awhile B4 sooner or later eventual literal, careless sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination as oppose 2 (no fun) via "schindler's list" - 'dig a hole & light (a fire) them all up. Huh SICK! & ANY think the Holocaust, 9/11, fill in the blank's was bad, U got NO idea-clue what they've been working on 4 last 50 year's 2 say the least -