Sigh huh, though there's truly NO dictionary enough 4 U, U fellow majority of or ALL connected 'capable' adult REAL born as males-females of 8 billion plus whole NECLEUS species-humanity R so NEVER ending-endlessly insidious (subtle unspoken behavior that may seem innocent enough but is nonetheless disrespectful, dangerously evil and cunning = clever at planning something so that 1 gets what 1 want, especially by tricking above), deceitful (behave in a dishonest way by making ANY including SELF as well as other people believe something that is NOT true)-feeble minded-navie-delusional-clueless-careless-senseless verbally bitchin-moaning-whining-complaining & ringing a maid-janitor-butler bell at ANY 1 around U 4 & 2 B solely alone serviced-served-appeased?!