As with me in a sense-notion, all I need is a bed & a desk 2 do my daily job 4 Holy Trinity as I'm NOT missing out on NOTHING U asinine (extremely stupid or foolish) humanity daily do out there, "EH"! U humanity sadly just CAN'T B reasoned with-NOTHING registers & ALL is 2 date & U ALL THINK God's suppose 2 stop this = NO, this is ALL OUR doing, NOT God's, HIS hand's R clean of ALL WE'VE done & STILL we all ALLOW - all of it un2 continued worse Coming USA-globally = past-2 date - 2 MUCH 4 2 lone & Coming - 2 little 2 late, sigh huh FINE then, we'll do it the hard way then as with the ole saying, 'it's just NOT simple-easy NO more'!