& STILL sadly, misc is-R exhibition's however like THAT of via-ie: Holy Bible's Matthew 21:12-Exodus 32 & Genesis 19 amidst individual 195 worldwide USA 2 global countries of overall 8,019,876,189 HUMAN individual's (as of 1/2024) of this-U-WE ALL USA-global connected whole 1 NECLEUS species-2 FAR GONE humanity itself & THAT more so of various else of web-internet companies, etc (fill in blank's TOP-down, USA-globally) via-ie: (me) seeing command prompt window instantly-quickly flash across my system's screen, Microsoft, etc freely giving U ALL literal backdoor access in2 ALL pc system's-device's ie: flies-locust on solid waste! The vast past-2 date exhibited volume thereof everywhere though nevertheless what trauma truly solely alone is: EXTERNAL that affects ANY 1's INTERNAL, NOT-NOTHING else!