The Natural Balance has been & is OFF ie: pc firewall protective shielding going down cuz of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve = if U all connected USA-global whole FAILED idea SELF diseased, misc else NECLEUS adult species-humanity can't tend 2 SELF deny care taking of dying non human innocent Earth (& HAVEN'T-HASN'T-DOESN'T-DON'T EVER) SELF deny Warrior representing Holy Trinity via YO own NON SELF owned (via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24: NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT temporary human breath NOR eternal Soul = SELF preservation & misc related is a (?), SICK non humorous joke) dying non human innocent planet (as God whom only wanted 2 create something) & clearly past-2 date exhibitedly U destroyed ALL, then NONE of U humans DON'T deserve 2 live HERE on this dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth!