Even as each human (past-2 date) is goes thru it's 9 month process of growth (aside from Adam & Eve with NO belly buttons & B-ing created in LESS than a day) & thus born in 9 month's give or take if not CEASED via abortion, can NEVER truly know just what ANY of us were born in2 ie: Devil brought this Holy War 2 us after B-ing defeated by Heaven's Warrior angel's & 86-ed outta Heaven & past-2 date, humanity done literally NOTHING but 1 thing 4 sure = given Devil an endless humor laughing it up show as 'it' deems we humanity been doing it's job 4 it against God & that's means U majority capable of 8 billion plus USA-global adult men & women; instead U $, misc sell out 2 $ highest bidder, cave-give in-fall in line-acting like coward's 2 where Coming, YEAH like history repeating itself = worse is Coming!