& like actor Jean-Claude Van Damme quietly said 2 Mia Sarapochiello Sara, "There is never enough time 2 satisfy a woman." UH YEA, DUH, smile. YEAH YEAH, as U were. We men got NOTHING on women! With OR WITHOUT Burka-Hijab, drive-don't drive, misc, U local–global females R my Sisters, Women R NOT inferior! NO War on Women! Mary - Jesus's mother was Holy chosen! God bless in Jesus. Adam was SUPPOSE 2 had Eve's back coming FROM Adam! What I CAN respect Celibate (as I am) Warrior rise 4 Holy Trinity cuz I GOT my internal within priorities right-proper via SELF deny via daily ME staying nigh (near) & un2 HIS Holy Counsel 2 keep ME proper & inline amidst service 2 HIM, NOT anything of myself daily out there as I'm NOT missing out on NOTHING, I just quietly do my limited 2 daily 9-5 & then essentially repeat daily until HE calls me (my Soul) OUT ie: passing until then tick tock 'Time' momentarily as Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1, NOT even me, I'm here working & do my God given job.