SIGH & NO, I DON'T wanna hear from NO 1 USA-globally deeming, "Well EVERY 1's doing it, it's (?) the NEWEST thing'; AH SHADDAP! Talking about pulling a dead benny (from the movie-film, The mummy) 2 Rick, "like I haven't heard THAT B4", OH then there's pulling a Janet Jackson - "what have-has (?) done 4 me lately", Brother at end of film-movie: "Rocky 5" - 'Go ahead & hit me, I'll give ya the 1st 1 4 free' as ALL seemingly out there USA-globally who exhibit selling out 2 other's (fill in blank's) past historically-2date, USA-globally, TOP-down via ole-old rap-hip hop music song lyric line: 'putting Satin on 1's panties' via music artist: Shock G (Gregory Edward Jacobs) & any other general 1 liner out there amidst general public USA-globally, some well known while other's may not B so known.