Like HUH, U USA-global all connected whole (1) NECLEUS dust & ash corpse human species R MORE SO of a train wreck-FAILED idea & waste B4 God & like sand in a hourglass of HIS momentary patience (WE ALL should B thankful 4 cuz I WOULDN'T B so patient) & held back wrath-anger cuz Coming is Heaven's Warrior Angel's & the eventual Coming 4 Holy retributionary (terminators of all terminators) Horsemen currently-presently in resting stasis until the Coming moment 2 literally BRING 4th YO worse incomprehensible nightmarish pain-horror B4 Bing CEASED & THEN in2 Hell 2 BURN ALIVE screaming (after a moment B4 Jesus with YO individual opened assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life convict Record) until Coming judgment day!