
The television director that Global News in Canada fired for tweeting, "Why did the government close down everyone's business over the Covid 19 mandates but left open all the STRIP CLUBS and CASINOS?" - paraphrased.
I had to ask Nak about this. He said, "It's because the Covid 19 situation was controlled by the intelligence community to test full on dictatorship in the West and the Mafia works closely with the intelligence agencies and had to remain untouched." https://rumble.com/v43ou7t-my-tv-news-station-fired-me-for-telling-the-truth-about-covid.html
#vaccine #VaccineSideEffects #Canada #nomandates #mandates #Pfizer #bivalentboosters #boosters #deathbyinjection #boostershots #covid19 #covid #experiments #genetherapy #drugs #dangerousdrugs #greedyexecutives #suddendeath #sads #autoimmunedisease #NurembergLaw #maskmandate #poisoning #boughtoffpoliticians #bribedpoliticians #GlobalNews

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