Like say, literally NOT FUNNY - THEM (genocidal do &/or SELF suicidal die nightmarish horror "EH" trying) of Power, misc USA-globally (fill in blank's) B-ing however like say in 2001 film-movie, "Jeepers Creepers", when Darry Jenner fell down in2 the hole & saw the former late human dust & ash corpse skin flesh upon all the wall's like mere wallpaper & tried 2 verbally convey 2 Trish Jenner; via (above) - The ancient (very centuries old), sort of ie: Greek mythology like Chimera, immortal, nearly invincible humanoid giant bat winged, regenerate-able (by way of it's prey's human body-organ's & flesh which is solely why it exists = 2 feed) cannibalistic hunter killer demon Being who seeks-approaching his prey with more slick sort of evil semi (funny?) wise guy ease but determined oriented, & it's prey's internal within physical body organ's of humans it eats ie: past ritual's involving human sacrifice's & with it's dark reptilian Green color skin & mouth filled yellow fang's & atop of it's head a series of finger like appendages connected 2 each by a thin membrane & R often pressed close 2 it's head = when excited or angered - they shall flare scaringly outward & with no real human language speech & present since the past historical Aztec era) Creeper character.