LGBTQiA is part of Palestinian culture is why then THEY have 2 B literally CEASED unless they R individually via God given Free Will, willing 2 acknowledge, misc that God set the example of literally CEASING (evil-unholy weeds of garden) LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & send them immediately where they belong = momentarily on their knees B4 Jesus, 4 their individual pre judgment day processing versus-instead of innocent other's who do & R right-proper 4 God-Jesus-Holy Trinity, WE CLEAR?! & YEAH I JUST DID! - see this article regarding the (above) -

Elias Jahshan, editor of the anthology ‘This Arab is Queer,’ discusses sexuality in the Arab world, Israeli pinkwashing, and his dream of a liberated Jaffa.