It's one thing to be able to acknowledge, accept and monitor your shortcomings and/or flaws. It's quite another, to keep yourself under a microscope, for fear you'll become someone you don't wanna be, if ya just relax into living your life and finding your bliss.

By the time we're 5 years old, our character, our nature, our personality and our values are set in stone. Our formative years are strongly influenced by our parental units, and we tend to adopt their value systems, for better or worse. Can we change later in life? Only if we have the right kind of guidance, and someone who knows how to help us REPROGRAM our negative, inner critic.

When people become wealthy, it alters their personality not one bit. Good, caring, thoughtful people stay that way, once they get rich. Others, not so much. It's kinda like alcoholism: If you were a narcissistic asshole BEFORE ya got sober, you'll be a narcissistic asshole AFTER you stop drinking (and I've known a few who are).

Troubled teens are hard to turn around, because the die was cast, by the time they turned five. People's basic natures do not change. The biggest mistake some of us make, is naively believing they DO, to fit our fantasy of who WE need 'em to be.