
To All Commenters on My Blog Page
By Anna Von Reitz

Anyone who thinks or says that I don't have proof and evidence for what I say hasn't read what I have written, and so, doesn't have any business making comments.

They also haven't stopped to think that if I didn't have proof and evidence and all my ducks in order, I would have been arrested a long time ago.

Anyone who doesn't have guts enough to give their own name when they make a comment and hides behind "Anonymous" doesn't deserve to make any comments anyhow.

Anyone who calls me names will reap what they sow.

Anyone who disrespects the actual law and history will reap what they sow.

I am told that as of June 19th 'my' Federation" is going down.

Well, it isn't my Federation. It's your Federation, unless you are a Tory or a devil-worshiping priest of Mammon. Or both.

And if it goes down, it means one thing --- that the criminals are coming for you and you're next.

If our Federation of States goes down, there will be no government left to protect you from the Municipal Corporations posing as governments.

No matter how you try to hide, no matter how many VPNs you have, no matter that you've been promised "safe, encrypted" communications.

Remember all those people solemnly parroting that the jabs were safe and effective --- like Anthony Fauci preaching the benefits of AZT thirty years ago, they just didn't bother telling you what the jabs were "safe and effective" for --- or for who.

Pretty safe and effective when you can hide behind "Anonymous" or a Doctor's white coat and a needle --- and kill three-quarters of the American population.

Get ready, Edjits, who won't read and won't think. All the Blowhards and Big Mouths, here you go! All the Hopium Addicts and Worshipers at the Mercenary Idol Retreat.

I long ago decided that this filthy world wasn't worth living in, no matter how much I love God's Creation, the Earth, the animals, the plants...

These pitiful excuses for "men" have rendered it a snake pit and den of idolatry and crime. And some of the women are even worse!

No wonder so many people are standing around waiting....and waiting... and waiting... hell, they don't even know what they've got between their legs.

And if they do know, they don't have guts enough to stand up and say so.

Next time I see some cow of a woman waffling about not knowing what a woman is, I am going to stand up and paste her full in the face. Heel of the hand. Whap!

When she comes up sputtering about lawsuits and assaults, I'm going to say, "Well, you asked what a woman is, and I just showed you. That nasty popping sound as your neck snapped backward? That's what a woman is."

What's she going to say? She's already admitted that she doesn't know what a woman is. That leaves me free to define it for her.

Want to talk about proof? Obviously, most of the Trolls acting as "Commenters" don't want proof, or they'd already have it.

Most Americans are as brainless as turkeys standing under a downspout, drowning in the rain. It hurts me to say it, but it's true.

You think the military is going to come save you? Really, the same British-Raj military has been in control of this mess and doing you sideways since 1863?

You might as well believe in Barney, the Big Purple Pedophilic Dinosaur.

Sure, they will come up with some Narrative to make themselves look like heros. They always do.

They starved over a million German Prisoners of War to death, took photos of the mass graves, and created the Holocaust.

It was more like a wet drain. No fire involved. Just swamps, dysentery, and starvation and all under the direction of Eisenhower. The Rhine Meadows. Look it up.

The American Raj Perps were heroes then, too, covering up their own dirty work and blaming the evil Nazis for it. Those mass graves were dug with U.S. Army bucket loaders, operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

And when someone tries to tell you that the politicians selected "for" you to elect are all bad, just different flavors of bad, you don't stop and pay attention.

You wait for the next election cycle and hope something will change.

Maybe they will change their suits. That would be exciting.

This Evil has been growing for over 160 years and I have been the Watchman, calling from the tower, warning you, showing you how they did it, when they did it.... why they did it.

Soon, you won't need a Watchman. You will be able to see it for yourselves.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com