
A Love Letter --- the ABA/IBA Lien and More
By Anna Von Reitz

There have been numerous parties coming forward now, long after the ABA/IBA Lien has cured, wanting to sign it as a lienholder, and wanting to add new charges to it.

That isn't possible, but that doesn't matter. You are still covered by what has already been done.

Please stop besieging me with tales of woe and stories of the abuses of the court system. I already know, believe me, I do.

And please understand that I am not acting as a gatekeeper determining who gets recompense and who doesn't.

We will be flowing recompense through the Global Family International Trade Bank, and later through individual International Trade Banks in the Blue Dot System.

Go online and sign up for your own account.

Admit that many aspects of the abuse we've suffered are injuries that don't equate to money and can't be paid back with money. The only thing money can do is buy a new future for the victims, and while that's far better than a poke in the eye, the past is past. We have to let it go, or it will stand in our way.

Read that: mooning over the past and what was and romanticizing it stands in the way of what is and what can be.

It's alright to remember all the good things we've had in the past and that we've enjoyed in our lives, but not to live in regret or cherish bitterness.

Remember that there is no price to be placed on one's sense of security, the cost of one's good name, or the loss of an opportunity to go to college ten years ago. Money can't restore a broken arm, or take away scars. It can't mend broken relationships. It can't give us back lost time or lost quality of life.

Such losses can only be overcome from within ourselves. We can decide to move on, to learn, to grow, to be better for it --- and our happiness now, right now, in this moment and every moment going forward, will be our triumph and revenge. Our true recompense.

For many, this means a whole new life path opening up, and it's important that you think of it in those terms.

What you had before was financial slavery. What you have now is financial freedom.

Take time to understand yourself and your own needs, quite apart from the commercialized world where "everybody" wants a new Lexus.

That's the same plastic world where every woman looks like "Barbie" and every man is "Ken" and Santa Claus comes every year to dump more plastic crap on us --- mostly stuff we don't need and don't want.
If we are honest, most of us don't need a new Lexus, and having or not having one is a matter of indifference to us --- individually, personally. Sure, they are nice cars, but...

For many of us, having a sturdy old pickup truck is the truth in our heart that gives us joy and fulfills our needs. Or a zippy little commuter car that gets 30 miles per gallon. Or a....

We honor ourselves when we honor the truth about what we need and want in our lives, instead of letting telemarketers and other people tell us what we want and what we need.

We are each competent to stand apart and decide these things for ourselves. So do so.

For many people, their childhood dreams are the only dreams they ever had, and for various reasons, they didn't believe those dreams. For many, their parents or teachers or other authority figures told them, "You can't.... " and so, they didn't even try.

That's sad, but let's face it, maybe we don't want to be a ballerina for the first time at age sixty.

It's time for many of us to dream new dreams in a world where we've forgotten how to dream. Relearn. Rethink. Be honest. Be true to you and who you are now.

Right now.

Don't listen to any sales pitches from other people or try to figure out an inheritance that you can leave your children.

Don't just assume that a new Lexus will make you happy. You have to search and dig out the truth of what makes you happy.

Always remember that happiness doesn't come in "one size fits all".

Happiness is unique to each one of us, hand-tailored, special (even though, for most of us, having a warm blanket and a warm puppy helps).

Your children already have an inheritance beyond their wildest imagination, and they will find their own path forward and dreams of their own to realize and fulfill. No need to worry about them.

Think about yourself. Just you. Love your highest and best self for a few minutes every day. Get reacquainted. Let your old dreams smile at you and new dreams take root. Sink into the magic of being fully present in this moment called "now". And be you, your own true, authentic self.

The door is shut on signing the ABA/IBA Lien, but the future is wide open because other people already did that and took other measures to protect your interests and to renew justice.

You don't have to fight anymore, you don't have to struggle anymore, you don't have to worry anymore.

You can now look in the rearview mirror and see that those days are behind you.

So dream now--- just be sure that you are dreaming your own dream, and not someone else's!

Much love,


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com