
Misdiagnosis Meant My Pain Did NOT Go Away

Testimony received: While the doctor diagnosed the pain in my shoulders as an overuse of my shoulders, the Lord revealed that it was an "overuse" of my mind/thoughts, sending me spinning over anxieties and fears, deferred hopes, and self-expectations. Through prayer, the great weight and entanglement I’ve been carrying on my shoulders were lifted off as I released these things to God.
Mark's reflections: Life ONLY works if you are hearing and responding to God’s voice. He is the Wonderful Counselor Who provides wonderful counsel which heals the anxieties of the heart and mind and restores one to joy and peace. The kingdom of God is … righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17).

How about this for a diagnosis?
Immerse yourself in these three training modules so your life is fun, meaningful, and joyful! Life is far too precious to squander it in fear, anxiety, and pain.
• 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice https://www.cluschoolofthespirit.com/courses/hearing-gods-voice/
• Counseled By God https://www.cluschoolofthespirit.com/courses/counseled-by-god/
• Prayers That Heal the Heart https://www.cluschoolofthespirit.com/courses/prayers-that-heal-the-heart-revised/

WOW! Do I want to invest nine months?
To master the skills involved in each of these three training modules, you need to spend three months discovering and integrating them. Guess what: You are going to be nine months older nine months from now whether you embrace this training or not. Why not learn to let Jesus heal your heart and mind over the next nine months so the rest of your life you can experience His kingdom realities of righteousness, peace in the Holy Spirit, supernatural joy, and the wonderful health these bring to your physical body as well as your relationships?

This could be even better if you opened up your home to your family and friends and watched a video each week and did the exercises together, praying and ministering life one to another. Why not spark a revival in people's lives and bring transformation to your family and friends?
Register to watch the 14-part video series Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. No cost access available only for a limited time! https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/unleashing

For Jesus, the healing power of the Holy Spirit rode on the wings of compassion. Jesus, moved by compassion, healed the sick (Matt. 14:14). Emotion was the carrier wave of the Spirit’s power. Emotion! Really? WOW! This is a totally different view of emotion than is normally held. Maybe I need to change my mind completely about emotions. Maybe rather than emotions being soulish and unreliable, they are reliable when birthed by the Holy Spirit and they carry healing power. What do you think? Could miracles be this easy? Could I learn to release a healing, compassionate touch?
