👀✨ #HeWhoComes #Revelation #Throne of #Iniquity Pt9 on Sound the Shofar

He Who Comes reveals to us what the #Lord #Jesus #Christ already warned us. First there would many #deceivers who would come in #Hisname. Second, he comes in the Clouds. Third was a staunch warning to #BeNotDeceived! The #ThroneofIniquity led by the dark one of #Revelation chapter thirteen will deceive many. Just as Israel did not recognize #Yeshua, Jesus Christ because they were blinded; so too many will find deception. All those not found written in the #BookofLife will be deceived and take the mark. Today a prime example is in #America which was once full of the #Gospel, #Biblical #teachings, and a society that rejected many things that today's society relishes or desires. He Who Comes is a staunch warning to all that deception and truth is the choice for you to make.
| #HeWhoComes, #SonsofGod, #Lightoftheworld, #FaithofJesus, #BornAgain, #HolySpirit, #Yeshua, #JesusChrist

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He Who Comes reveals what the #Lord #Jesus #Christ already warned us. First there would many #deceivers who would come in #Hisname. Second, he comes in the Clouds. Third was a staunch warning to #BeNotDeceived!
