Deficits in emotional development insure deficits in MORAL development. You can't have morality with stunted emotional growth. People with Borderline Personality Disorder lacked adequate maternal nurturing during infancy and early childhood. This forced them to dissociate from difficult, painful emotions from the time they were about 2 years old.

Folks with BPD traits lack boundaries, impulse control and empathy. They're hyper-controlling and manipulative. They lie, cheat, project & gaslight. Their survival is all that matters to them~ they're totally unconcerned about Yours.

Borderlines thrive on chaos, drama and conflict. It's literally impossible to have a copasetic, loving, harmonious relationship with a BPD lover or spouse. Your life is an emotional roller-coaster with someone who has borderline personality traits.

Borderlines are incapable of fully attaching. They chase after ya like their life depends on winning you over, but once you're captured, they're bored. The challenge for a Borderline is the CHASE, which is why they often pursue partners who are already attached.

Borderlines associate painful inner sensations of longing and yearning, with "love." When a lover is emotionally present and available to them, their passion for this person isn't triggered. For the BPD lover, love = pain, and vice-versa.

People with BPD are pathological liars. They often contradict themselves from one day to the next. They'll pick a fight with you or emotionally distance, after especially close, intimate episodes.

A common belief is that Borderlines are "afraid of abandonment," but if this were true, they would not keep testing and pushing you away. Borderlines fear ATTACHMENT. They are not capable of bonding, because since their infancy, securing an emotionally solid, safe, nourishing bond was impossible to forge with Mother.

Borderlines beget Borderlines. A BPD mother will unwittingly spawn emotional defenses in her child, which prevent him/her from being able to establish ongoing, healthy and rewarding bonds in their adult relationships.

Borderlines 'love-bomb' you at the start of your dance together. They shower you with attention and compliments, and make you feel like you hung the moon and stars.

They quickly discern what your tastes, priorities, views, attitudes and desires are, and just like a chameleon, BECOME who they sense you need them to be. This is their seduction ploy. But again, once you're perceived to be "theirs," the flip side of these people emerges, and you can't help but wonder, "what ever happened to that amazing person I fell in love with?!"

BPD is the most under-diagnosed disorder on our planet. It is often mistaken for Bipolar Disorder, due to the prevalence of acute mood and temperament fluctuations. BPD is NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS. This is a Personality Disorder, which is caused by cumulative deficits in warmth, affection, understanding and empathy from one's maternal object, from infancy onward. houses 25 articles written on this topic, alone. BPD is an equal-opportunity disorder. It impacts just as many men, as women.

Life Strategies. Learn to embrace all that you are and aren't without self-judgment, ridicule or shame, and grow beyond surviving to Thriving.