
Yoga Alliance ERYT 500, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses:


Annette Tersigni RN, Yoga Nursing®, @theyoganurse:"I am the founder of YogaNurse Medical Yoga and Stress Management and am the YogaNurse® Model of Care and YogaNursing. YogaNursing is the union of modern nursing science with the ancient science of yoga. My programs are endorsed by doctors and health care providers as a safe therapy to decrease pain and suffering and help improve patient care. I have dedicated the past years educating nurses and everyday people around the world on leading healthier, spiritual lifestyles. We offer online courses and live trainings via our website. www.yoganurse.com

I am a heart felt, passionate speaker, coach, teacher and writer, featured extensively in the media including in the Associated Press and on NBC, CBS, Fox News affiliates and have been interviewed on national TV by Arielle Ford as one of America’s Experts. I am producing, writing, and acting in several DVD documentary/educational projects: training and coaching other nurses, yoga teachers and health professionals throughout the USA and Canada to be Certified YogaNurses.

YogaNurse Mission Statement: To create a global army of modern nightingales, YogaNurses to uplift our ailing health care system; to relieve pain and suffering and increase quality of life for nurses and all whom they serve worldwide."

E-mail Address: support@yoganurse.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheYogaNurse?v=info

Homepage Address: http://www.yoganurse.com


Categories: Cancer, Oncology Nurses, Cardiovascular Nurses, Nurse Educators, Hospice Nurse Consultants, Consulting, North Carolina Nursing Entrepreneurs, North Carolina Nurses, Nursing Resources, Orthopedic Nursing, Orthopedics Nurses, Ortho, Speakers Bureaus, Conference Keynotes, Motivational, Inspirational, Humorists



#AnnetteTersigni #Yoga #Yoganurse #Nursefriendly #NurseEntepreneurs #NursingEntrepreneurs #SmallBiz #SmallBusiness