Dear Leftists: CAN we agree to disagree??

You seem to believe Trump is STILL in charge of America and its policies, which rational, circumspect individuals in this country view as absurdly humorous. We mean no disrespect~ we’re merely aghast you could cling to this position.

It's clear to the rest of us, he Left can't stop scapegoating the one man it's been brainwashed to detest (because he threatens long-standing corruption) for all the challenges and problems it encounters~ 99% of which it have been deliberately created for its own political gain.

We DID however, have a thriving economy before Biden stumbled into office. Multiple infrastructure disasters, particularly in Blue states (while not non-existent) weren't occurring with such frequency under Trump's watch. People weren't hating and warring with each other. We were all just trying to survive The Virus.

I do not expect to alter your political position, nor how you understand and integrate what is happening in our country on a remarkably broad scale. You are entitled to your views and biases~ and regardless of how shortsighted or naive I believe them to be, it doesn't make me or any other conservative-minded being, feel an irrepressible need to censor, cancel or harm/murder you, just because you don't share OUR views.

I understand you see the world thru a very different lens than I do, and I can make room for your disparate perspectives. I can't help but wonder though, if YOU are capable of doing the same. It's a rhetorical question. It solicits no answer.