
Cooperatives come in a wide variety of forms.

Like the Butterfly Effect, many of them are little. Over time, small cooperatives can tackle large problems. Which sort of cooperative is best for solving the problem you'd like to solve? This could entail trying out different sorts of cooperatives to solve different challenges, which can lead to unexpected, but beautiful outcomes. Rather than restricting the type of input, features from many cooperatives could be used to collect feedback and smooth the transition between order and chaos. Examining fractals, or patterns that arise can aid in the refinement of cooperation so that order can be formed from chaos and be part of a solution.

In short, chaos can be wonderful when it's harnessed and used to solve billions of issues. There is beauty in chaos, and the most beautiful aspect of it all is the disorder's results.

To learn more about how to solve issues amidst the chaos, go to our website or email us at cheryl@thefifthprinciple.coop

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