
Happy Juneteenth?

I suppose there is no irony lost on this inaugural national holiday celebrating the emancipation of one class of people from slavery, when the entire nation is enslaved to a system they willfully and ignorantly support and oddly respect. Even though, it deserves none of their respect OR support whatsoever because it is the source of their mental, physical, and financial enslavement. The amendments to the CONstitution which came from the Emancipation Proclamation actually didn’t “free” anyone. They created an entire nation of debt-slave citizens; subservient to an illegitimate “government” authority which had already been infiltrated and largely taken over by the predator banking and robber baron classes. DUMBocracy is yet another trap of these parasitical magicians.

The world we have today and the false reality in which we live only gives people the illusion of “freedom” because no one is truly free at all. Three weeks ago, I wrote an incredibly powerful 4 part blog series which was largely overlooked because people can’t take the time to learn just how easy it would be to free ourselves from this false reality of imagined freedom and actually experience TRUE freedom for the first time in our lives. I have dedicated the remainder of my life to this work and have already sacrificed more than a quarter of it to creating the one viable, non-violent, and peaceful solution that WOULD, once fully implemented, ACTUALLY emancipate ALL of humanity from the grips of the predator class whom have hijacked the entire world and are in the process of implementing a system of FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE over our lives.

So, yeah, “celebrate” this one of many faux national “holidays,” or take the time to listen to this 4 part series to fully understand what freedom is and how we can reclaim and implement it in our lifetimes for the first time ever. We all have free will. The choice is yours. But, unless we unite as one powerful and unstoppable force, we will all fall...

Here are the links to all 4 parts of the series.

Emancipation Proclamation 2.0[22]: Building the Breakaway Civilization

Part 1: Humanity Will Never Be Free, Unless...

Part 2: What Needs To Be Done To Break Free of Oppression

Part 3: The Paradox of the Illusory Social Contract

Part 4: The Three Vital Parts of a Well-Functioning Society