Like huh, just HOW MORE REAL does it (this past historically-2 date & worse Coming Holy War Devil brought 2 us all) have 2 literally GET B4 U majority USA-global humanity get a clue with-of just what's happening all around us?! THEY of Power (fill in blank's) as if 2 deem like Sarah Connor, 'Their gonna kill us all' ie: everything via food & water supply, vaccines, (?) stuff in2 product's, misc we use everyday ie: toothpaste, etc stuff we put (inside & on outside) of our body, the air we breath, etc fill in blank's, like we humanity created in LESS than a day 2 B something else. Like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's THAT of defeated Devil & 86-ed outta Heaven, only 2 bring (itself = humanity) un2 literal Coming extinction, when ALL this NEVER had 2 B, talk about lack of maintained housecleaning & instead have allowed bullies in a classroom 2 continue existing versus sending (weeds of garden) them all where they deem 2 B via daily tick tock 'Time' maintained housecleaning = on knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing, NOT allowing the innocent instead 2 B done of so!