
The Biden Administration has announced approved plans to redeploy hundreds of U.S. troops to Somalia. At the end of his term in 2020, Donald Trump withdrew almost all U.S. troops from the African country as many claimed it was another "unwinnable" war.

The initial arrival of U.S. boots on the ground in Somalia took place as part of a humanitarian effort in lead by the U.N. 1992, shortly following the outbreak of civil war in 1991. Many unsuccessful battles since then have been fought including the Battle of Mogadishu, also known as "Black Hawk Down." The Battle of Mogadishu was fought between the U.S. and Somali militiamen loyal to Mohamed Farrah Aidid and resulted in the deaths of 19 American soldiers, including six Delta Force operators, and 73 were wounded.

Americans have not been the only victims in this so called humanitarian effort. AFRICOM, the United States Africa Command, has been responsible for the injuries and deaths of innocent Somali civilians with a total of 267 airstrikes since the conflict began.

A study published by the civilian harm monitoring group Airways found that the U.S. has declared at least 91,340 strikes across seven major conflict zones since the 9/11 attack in 2001. The analysis shows that these airstrikes have resulted in killing at least 22,000 civilians and perhaps as many as 48,000.

In an address from the White House, 24 hours after the last soldier left Kabul, Joe Biden promised to “turn the page” on the U.S. role abroad, pointing to a less interventionist future.

“​​This decision about Afghanistan is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries,” he said.

This latest shift in policy by the administration is yet another example of Biden's failure to keep his campaign promises to the American people.