& LIKE King Leonidas, Krol Leonidas, Konig Leonidas, Leonidas, Leonidas (Gerard James Butler) "NO prisoners-NO mercy", could & CAN DO have THOSE of sadistic (deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others) World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group & etc (fill in blank's) of Syndicates-Cabals, STILL U MORE OF capable adult's of majority 8 billion plus USA-globally do NOTHING 2 stop THEM as with why all tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night, 24/7) currently-presently is as is exhibited like NON literally-seriously SELF denied Warrior dealt with ever growing ALLOWED dust & ash human adult corpse's USA-globally of weed's amidst-of a garden despite say (?), Holy Bible's Matthew 13:24-48. U COWARDS!