

The problems start at the top, but the solutions will start at the bottom.



What the hell is wrong with SOVREN?
I have to RESIGN up every time I want to get here.
What gives???

DC has declared War (Cold War) on Law Abiding Free American Citizens and America as a whole.
There are to few politicians who care and those can be counted on my two hands. Marjorie Greene, Rand Paul, Louis Gohmert, Ronnie Jackson, Chip Roy, Jim Jordan and a few others...okay more than ten but it should be all Republicans and maybe a few Dems...nah not Dems.
Next time you see your Rep, if ever, demand a reason they won't fight like Trump, Greene, etc. If they like DC so much ask them what their job is there...is it for you and others in your district OR is it for their pocketbook (Power) and screw you???
Do NOT vote for the lesser of two evils any more. Run yourself OR make your R District 'people' to back CONSERVATIVES not RINO's and weenies like (Kinzinger), etc).

One last point - Arm Up, buy all the ammo you can afford and than more, stock up a yrs supply of DRY foods and grow a garden/raise small animals for food. Use a wood stove and you will never be cold again.
Leave the big Cities and move to a rural county (RURAL not subdivision) and be Free.
Note - Arms in the 2nd means any weapon that can be used in War.




This is happening because the mRNA genetically ENHANCES the item it plants in the body. So...get ready for heart problems, clots, etc etc etc.
I was in the Hospital in Rural KY with COPD pneumonia...the Dr. (hates the COVID Vaccine) told me that the majority of people sick were already VACCINATED! The Vaccine is causing these side effects and it will get worse.

File Photo Emergency Rooms across the nation are experiencing a bed shortage ‘crisis’ because of the massive influx of patients that are showing up “much sicker than” the medical professionals “has ever seen.” The increase is baffling. After all, the experimental vaccines have been available in the US for almost a full year, and the…



Newsmax has that faggot Rep Barney Fuk Franks on and he needs to take the dik out of his mouth. Why they put lying shitfaces on is beyond me.


Just quit Face Book cuz they hate facts. I stated that Muslim rape gangs are all over England and the pussies called that 'hate speech'. So Fuk them and that freak who crawled out of the sewer. Swamps are useful.