
I want to thank the USPS for the delay of my package. Mailed it “Priority Mail” on Nov 7th, and today (Nov 15th) it finally showed up 2-hours away in PA at another post office. Been sitting there almost 12-hours now. This package was to be delivered to yet another government agency in NM by Nov 10th. Not bad….. 8 days to move 2-hours. Priority Mail is 1-3 days. Have no clue when that’s suppose to start.

Went to the local office and all they could tell me was “they don’t know.” Tried the “Contact Us” on their website, and that’s totally useless. Customer service sucks!!!


The “Event Material” at the bottom of the page sheds some light on a lot of things happening today. This meeting was 3-months before they rolled out the jab (knowingly). They kept referring to the term “FIH”. So I looked it up “First In Human” clinical trials. Guinee pigs. Page 17 of the 9th doc, lists a draft of the adverse events they expect. Interesting….

“Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Announcement”

This is the CBER Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Announcement.



From a post by Dr. Robert Malone:

“The Covid-19 Concoction: A Recipe for Successful Psychological Operations
September 22, 2022

As draconian Covid-19 control structures rise up around us, Johnny Vedmore investigates a very small group of close friends linked to a powerful philanthropic organization, The Wellcome Trust, who are responsible for some of the most defining events of the Covid-19 era. In this article we will look into the “proximal origin” of the Wellcome Five: Jeremy Farrar, Richard Sykes, Roy Anderson, Edward Holmes, and Neil Ferguson, and their band of scientific mercenaries.”


Abstract: When viewed as a war story, the COVID-19 narrative framed in corporate media urges citizens to be on a constant “war footing” and yet reveals symptoms of a much deeper and more widespread pathology whose roots can be clearly identified in the context of the emergence of corporate personhood. Contemporary life itself reveals the […]



Interesting interview - 5G.......


Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow, History and Effects of Electromagnitism (2018). 5G is being rolled out across the country, Despite growing evidence that it is disruptive to our health, our safety, and the environment. The Invisible Rai…



Bill Gates is rebranding genetically engineered seeds as “magic seeds” and says they’re the answer to world hunger, but according to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., a “failed, clumsy crude manipulation of living systems does not create ‘magical seeds.’ It creates an ecological disaster.”
