Fluoride does NOT protect teeth from cavities, large-scale government study proves,so what is the true secret purpose of it,within our most precious commodity?This is a question for very human on earth to ponder on!

A recently published and very large government study has revealed that there is zero benefit to drinking fluoridated water as far as dental health is concerned. The paper out of England states that fluoridation results in a mere two percent fewer cavities than non-fluoridation, two percent being a statistically insignificant figure that might as well […]

NY gov deploys 1,000 troops in subway system as violent crime chaos sweeps NYC-L.O.L -Sadly this the real cause of cheap fed money,of a no strings attached mentality when the money you are giving away isnt yours to give away,in the first place!

Persistent mental health crisis in the United States is occuring frequently.