I believe that God is raising up prophets. He's been prepping these people their whole lives and now these prophets are being activated. See Jer 1:4-10, 17-20.

A prophet isn't somebody who foretells the future, A prophet is someone who speaks God's heart to God's people. The prophet's message has four basic parts:

1. The Accusation - You guys are screwing up big time, here's the details of what the problem is.
2. The Threat - If you keep on like this I'm gonna smash you flat.
3. The Call to Repentance and Conversion: Straighten up and fly right, here's what you have to do.
4. The Promise of Blessing - If you do straighten up you'll be walking around barefoot 'cause I'm gonna bless your socks off.

You'll know a prophet is a true prophet if his (or her) words come true. Either the people will ignore the message (the most common response) and they get smashed (See, I told you so!) or they'll see the error of their ways, clean up their act and get blessed like nobody's business (Didn't I tell ya?).

In my view, we're in for a great flattening in the near term. What happens after that, well, we'll see.