
Thank You for creating Sovren! My 2 cents for what is going on:

Covid was created by world elites in a China Lab.
This was done to put people in a state of fear and get vaccinations not throughly tested.
This was also done to introduce mail-in ballots to steal the election from Donald Trump.
In DJT’s first term, even though everyone was attacking him, he accomplished many things. Most people voted for him to see what a businessman could do instead of lying politicians.
DJT has all the National Secret dirty works of all world politicians and unelected bureaucrats, CEOs, Hollywood nobody’s, etc…
DJT created space force to protect us from technology wars.
Joe Biden is a puppet, if he is even the same person.
Many past videos on the One World Order.
Go look up the history and read the 10 commandments of the Georgia Guidestones.
History is repeating itself. A democracy cannot last when those unwilling to work think they can get everything handed to them from those that are.
Elites, drug abuse, sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse has been around for thousands of years.
Communist tactics to take over a democracy go slow and use the media and the schools to brainwash mankind. Why do you think TV is called programming?
How did we go from the Puritans landing on Pilgrim Rock for a new life of freedom of religion and freedom from excess taxation and dictatorship?
Did we lose our moral compass during the 60s and 70s or even before then?
The Bible teachings have been around for eons. Have we forgotten what it means to honor the one true God and follow his commandments and understand the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Is the Pope infallible?
Will politics alone save us from what is coming?
Do we believe each Tom, Dick and Harry that puts out a podcast with a prediction of the future?
For me, my relationship with Jesus Christ is all that will save me. He was not of this world. The more I study, I would like to belong to His community of followers more than all the “traditions” I have grown up with almost 65 years.