
I was shopping at my local HomeDepot, less than an hour ago, when the clerk stopped ringing me up because a man with a cart full of items attempted to go out the door where I was checking out. She thwarted his attempt to go out that door. So he quickly went to the lumber area exited out that door.

When I realized what was going on I ran out the door thinking I could stop him. I began chasing a man with a cart, yelling THIEF, THIEF. When he reached the truck, he threw in the big items in the back of the taupe color truck bed, with black license plate, jumped into the passenger side and they peeled out of the parking lot leaving a lot of items in the cart which I returned to the manager.
Needless to say, I am slow and old and couldn’t catch him however the clerk said that I kept him from stealing hundreds/thousand? of dollars items in the basket because I chased him out of the store. I hope the police catch them and retrieve the big items.

It would be hysterical to see a video of me, a 65 year old woman in boots with heels, chasing a young agile black man through the parking lot. As I was running, yelling thief, I was getting my phone out of my purse to video tape the crime.

Nevertheless, this is how we stop crime in our cities. Employees can’t chase down criminals but we can and we should. It cost all of us when people steal. It is time for everyone to stand against those who lie, cheat, and steal and make criminals think twice before they try to cause harm to our city.