
Have you ever wondered why no one wants to take credit for their mistakes? I was asked once what my motto was and although
I'd never given much thought to that question this came to mind. I guess I would say "Never Intentionally Hurt Anyone".
Of course, I'm only human and to say I've never said anything hurtful would be a falsehood but if I can catch myself in the heat of the moment, I try to not say anything that is harsh or particularly nasty.
I remember one time I was working in a big drafting room and I was considered the lead draftsman. There were probably 10 or so draftsmen, men, women, white, black, Hispanic, one Bi.
We were all talking one day while working and one of the ladies was talking about driving home through a particular part of town. Someone asked if it was safe to drive there at night and before I could think about what I was going to say, it came out. I said, "It's not safe to drive through "N ....... er Town". Aarrggh, the room immediately fell quiet. I felt like the biggest buffoon in the world. I knew what I had said was really bad, but knew I couldn't fix it right then, so I said nothing and everybody kept quiet and went back to work. Later that day, I stopped the black guy, and in private, I poured out my apology. He was a kind and gentle guy and I think he accepted my apology. I think about him sometimes, especially now during these BLM times. Afterward, he and I went fishing on several occasions so I'm hopeful he got over my faux pas. Growing up in the 1950's we had a very different view of blacks and whites. We actually had an incredibly nice black lady helping my mom take care of things when mom was ill. With 3 kids running around and food to cook and clothes to wash she was kept pretty busy. Oh, she lived just a block away so she didn't have to drive, just walk and she was there. I never once heard either of my parents talk badly about any person, black, white, brown, yellow, etc. And we were not allowed to speak badly of anyone either. Oh, and my parents and grandparents were Patriotic Democrat Americans, not like today's Progressive Democrats. Back then you could be Republican or Democrat and no one demonized you for being either. Things must change if we are to get back to normal in this old world.
Just in case you wonder, I'm a conservative Republican, white, heterosexual male, old, and still in puberty; Or so says my spouse! I am not racist and I don't want to be anyone except myself. I have to laugh when I think about the current phase about pronouns. When we were growing up, there were only four sexes, Adult Men and Women, and children, Boys and Girls; it has been that way for time eternal. Of course, those who espouse alternate realities have the right to be silly however it doesn't make them the sharpest tack in the box.