
At what point will people stop cowering to jews and call out the Cohen cidences.. EVERY





https://www.westernjournal.com/watch-liberals-call-violence-yet-left-blames-trump/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons&fbclid=IwAR2xeunb9lVnoR_kavtA4VKv6VeUXHMtAz2dYLV5joNyQfG0PCv_Kk0Fr2M Ummm, is ANYONE going to hold Pelosi and Waters accountable???!!.. Poor Kyle Rittenhouse is facing a trial he, for one shouldn't even be in and two, wouldn't of even been there in the first place had it not been for those twos INCITEMENT OF, VIOLENCE!!!.. Our EMPLOYEES..

Even without the two-plus minutes of footage, leftists' unwillingness to make the violence stop reveals where they stand.



https://youtu.be/w8iOXr43mjI Try to say this isn't exactly what's happening, yet again.. History repeats itself when people refuse to ask the one vital word.. Why.. Why did, Germany just up and seemingly all of a sudden decide to turn on Jewish people??.. You were NEVER told that side if the Story.. And little fyi, what did this country do to the Japanese Americans when Japan declared war in us... Well, Judaism declared War on Germany first.. And they did so because Germany got sick of the moral depravity, the monopoly of media, the monopoly of money, the monopoly on the education system.. Basically the exact same thing you're upset about today.. same people same agenda.. Jesus flipped their tables and what did he get..Tell me, name a more disturbing form of racism promotion than being told you are "God's Chosen" from birth.....

Book by George Lincoln Rockwell
