
Dear Supporters,

It's hard to believe it's been a year and a half since I went public in June 2020, exposing Big Tech bias. Since then, Facebook has changed their name to Meta. Are they trying to shield their assets because of pending litigation?

In the last few months I've done several big interviews. On October 12th I interviewed with Dr. Drew, and on October 26th I was on Coast to Coast with George Noory along with my co-author Kent Heckenlively, JD. I also appeared on Newsmax in early October. https://ryanhartwig.org/recent/

It's been such a wonderful year and I'm grateful for all of my blessings. Me and my wife had our first child, a baby girl, and she's now 4 months old.

I hope you're ready for Christmas and the holiday season, and that you're continuing to stand up against Big Tech tyranny.

To get the most pertinent Big Tech news, please subscribe to my monthly newsletter here:

To get a copy of my book, Behind the Mask of Facebook, please use this link from a Christian-owned website: https://www.thegreatawakeningbooks.com/fbwhistleblower
Use code "bigtech" for 15% off. It makes for a great Christmas gift.

Thanks and keep in touch!

Ryan Hartwig

#bigtech #christmas #holidays #facebook #sovren

Monthly newsletter



Some great interviews from last October in the UK. Tomorrow I'll be on with Nicholas Veniamin. Once it's live I'll post the link.



#uk #news #bigtech #whistleblower #london #england


Hi this is my first post.