"Jews, Rothschilds, Federal Reserve and Wars - Farrakhan" [ Dec 06, 2021 ] Description: As usual Louis Farrakhan NAILS IT like few have to courage to do so. https://www.bitchute.com/video/utyCt3H2Sf9u/ (Use the link below if the regular Bitchute link doesn't work): https://zbbb278hfll091.bitchute.com/qiSSqbll667s/utyCt3H2Sf9u.mp4 Credit to Harry Vox for this from his channel, Unsafe_Space His channel is found here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qiSSqbll667s/ Some more reading on the subject, from the 1790's to the 1970's: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jewish_Banksters_War.html