10 mins ago

The weekend’s #TechOutage showed us the vulnerability of many industrial software systems. What can we do to prevent these kinds of failures from affecting ourselves — and our children — in the future? More from CHD’s Lead Litigation Counsel, W. Scott McCollough, Esq. on #CHDTV ? https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/vaxxed-3--emr-update/?utm_source=sovren&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=chdtvpromo&utm_id=20240726


10 mins ago


🚨 Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez Calls for Use of Police, Military Against ‘Anti-vaccine Aggression’ “‘Anti-science’ and ‘anti-vaxxer’ are propaganda terms Hotez uses to establish a power dynamic over anyone who disagrees with him.” — Peter McCullough, M.D. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/peter-hotez-calls-for-police-military-anti-vaxers/?utm_source=sovren&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20240726


10 mins ago


⚖️ RFK Jr., CHD Landmark #Censorship Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Headed Back to Lower Court A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to rule on a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Biden administration from pressuring tech giants to censor social media posts. The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the lower court must first decide whether the plaintiffs — including CHD + Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — have legal standing to sue the administration. “We are pleased that both the 5th Circuit and Judge Doughty in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana are taking seriously the issue of plaintiffs’ standing in this case and evaluating the issue. “We believe the record will show that there are more than sufficient facts to support standing in this case and that this case will move forward to address the serious questions of government censorship which threaten First Amendment rights of speakers and listeners.” — Kim Mack Rosenberg, general counsel for CHD The attorneys argue that CHD’s 70,000-plus members “tend to be avid consumers of news concerning COVID-19 and governmental health policies,” and have been prevented from accessing that information and from learning and communicating with other people concerned with similar issues. “These concrete, specific injuries to ... CHD’s members’ right to receive information important to their own health is sufficient for standing.” ⬇️ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-chd-landmark-censorship-lawsuit-biden-administration-lower-court/?utm_source=sovren&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20240726


22 hrs ago


You can truly be unburdened by the past when it's being rewritten for you.


23 hrs ago


CHD’s new Community Forum is a safe space where you can connect, collaborate, learn, inspire + empower each other to create a healthier world for you and your families. Here, your voice is valued + your opinions matter. 🌟 JOIN US ⬇️ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum-sign-up/?utm_source=sovren&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=community&utm_id=20240725
