
I am Canadian and we have a Canadian hero - her name is Amazing Polly - I hope I can entice you to listen to her well educated voice of reason and well researched topical information!!
Here is her latest offering. Enjoy


We will fight Justin Castro to the bitter end!!!!!


Time for a purge. If you are in a position to support my work, please do so here: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php THANK YOU so very much. ♥ LINK to my documentary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZYj24kdk9g5K/



Some of you may know Ben Swann - his discussion with Chris Martenson is epic. I have followed Chris since Feb. 2020 and he has kept me sane - so I share him with you. Enjoy!!

Chris interviews the fascinating and always provocative Ben Swann, American television news anchor, investigative journalist, political commentator and alt-media entrepreneur. From his days as an avan...



Amazing Polly is a true Canadian patriot and hero. She will inspire me to continue the fight until the end if needed!!
Please enjoy her visualization of the battle.
We have the oil you need - why not just buy it from us??
Greetings from Alberta

To support Amazing Polly's work: https://amazingpolly.net/ . A handful of business owners are bravely defying the COVID measures and taking a stand for freedom. In this intriguing documentary you will
