
My name is Jonathan Edward Bower. My children are held captive inside state of Illinois by the US Government inside America. Their names are Vincent and Victor Bower. Living with a female by name of Megan Sharon Gray, the Paries family and military create this ability and assist the ordeal by sheltering and creating false reports via the courts. Gray and her career are a military operation, a 68 soldier operator; among one of many for the transition into US by UN, United South more like it..

After illegal activity through Betty Marler and exposing a pedophile ring, officials and military assist the kidnapping of my children while living in Lakewood/Boulder CO. I had worked at IBM on a few accounts, she had transferred to corrections and kept children in Lakewood. They were taken to Pekin Illinois. Court meant to create my entrance into state a lethal situation by fraudulent claims. Mail fraud and jurisdiction fraud had been normal, all while attempts to apprehend me was severe, including the direction of corona a threat I had created. Threat ended by a person coming out to explain situation a complete alternative thankfully, but this was only the start of more court cases, which had been in my favor due to approach; still to no avail. I had just been ignored and black listed. Come to find out further into this the cover up deployed in early days and how they would create smear campaigns to remove so many Government personnel whom would not comply with their deranged agenda. Now, how Ukraine is utilized but a direction to claim all dead in prior years were of Russia, however, lethal biological attacks released on the public had gotten out of hand, which US Gov has funded. These attacks are severe, the plot in order to portray the Covid release to be within this plot. This biological weapon is yet in our lung, but release of it an associated belief. Attempts with chemical weaponry a reality I had to experience utilized by 68 MOS regiment within the military through the hospitals in-take/out-taking subjects. Behavior Health groups designed to mask their involvement, allowing attacks by the 3D Medical scanner and mechanism injection a biological, chemical weapon; mislead through FDA and Medicade offers, yet I've never heard these being used for good nor at all besides in the field for PSYOP and their prisoner to extract information. Extraction through minds of the US government an act of war if known situation was more told truthfully, as the people of America their enemy and it's a shared need within all Government as the removal by smear campaign had been a thing for some years now, which removed any unwanted attention or the non believers of their regime. Anyone else will be put to trail with these tools to create a false conviction seem intended as a past explanation when the wings across the globe are realized a staple of it's order. Many American's have died over the years, many of the American identities utilized to bring over contract men and woman. A lot of the military has been replaced, along with the ones inside Illinois. Illinois a free state a label, a complete treason within the laws of this nation. Men and woman to commit crimes, utilize another Identity for submitting the paperwork and will pick up where they left off.

The transition from UN to US a real threat. My children kidnapped and kept hostage a real thing. I'm fighting this until my children are back and I'm demanding justice until the day I die. This is my nation, I am this nation. My children this nation. God is with us, but he may only watch and fear the worst to come. God be with us all when judgement day comes. In God we are true...


Jonathan Edward Bower, Vincent & Victor Bower.
