
Volitional limb motor control involves dynamic and static muscle actions. It remains elusive how such distinct actions are controlled through separated or shared neural circuits. Here we explored the potential separation for dynamic and static controls in primate hand actions, by investigating the neuronal coherence between local field potentials (LFPs) of the spinal cord and the forelimb electromyographic activity (EMGs), and LFPs of the motor cortex and the EMGs during the performance of a precision grip in macaque monkeys. We observed the emergence of beta-range coherence with EMGs at spinal cord and motor cortex in the separated phases; spinal coherence during the grip phase and cortical coherence during the hold phase. Further, both of the coherences were influenced by bidirectional interactions with reasonable latencies as beta oscillatory cycles. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/phosphoenolpyruvic-acid-monopotassium-salt.html These results indicate that dedicated feedback circuits comprising spinal and cortical structures underlie dynamic and static controls of dexterous hand actions.Vascular tubulogenesis is tightly linked with physiological and pathological events in the living body. Endothelial cells (ECs), which are constantly exposed to hemodynamic forces, play a key role in tubulogenesis. Hydrostatic pressure in particular has been shown to elicit biophysical and biochemical responses leading to EC-mediated tubulogenesis. However, the relationship between tubulogenesis and hydrostatic pressure remains to be elucidated. Here, we propose a specific mechanism through which hydrostatic pressure promotes tubulogenesis. We show that pressure exposure transiently activates the Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in ECs, inducing endothelial tubulogenic responses. Water efflux through aquaporin 1 and activation of protein kinase C via specific G protein-coupled receptors are essential to the pressure-induced transient activation of the Ras/ERK pathway. Our approach could provide a basis for elucidating the mechanopathology of tubulogenesis-related diseases and the development of mechanotherapies for improving human health.Temperate phages engage in long-term associations with their hosts that may lead to mutually beneficial interactions, of which the full extent is presently unknown. Here, we describe an environmentally relevant model system with a single host, a species of the Roseobacter clade of marine bacteria, and two genetically similar phages (ɸ-A and ɸ-D). Superinfection of a ɸ-D lysogenized strain (CB-D) with ɸ-A particles resulted in a lytic infection, prophage induction, and conversion of a subset of the host population, leading to isolation of a newly ɸ-A lysogenized strain (CB-A). Phenotypic differences, predicted to result from divergent lysogenic-lytic switch mechanisms, are evident between these lysogens, with CB-A displaying a higher incidence of spontaneous induction. Doubling times of CB-D and CB-A in liquid culture are 75 and 100 min, respectively. As cell cultures enter stationary phase, CB-A viable counts are half of CB-D. Consistent with prior evidence that cell lysis enhances biofilm formation, CB-A produces twice as much biofilm biomass as CB-D. As strains are susceptible to infection by the opposing phage type, co-culture competitions were performed to test fitness effects. When grown planktonically, CB-A outcompeted CB-D three to one. Yet, during biofilm growth, CB-D outcompeted CB-A three to one. These results suggest that genetically similar phages can have divergent influence on the competitiveness of their shared hosts in distinct environmental niches, possibly due to a complex form of phage-mediated allelopathy. These findings have implications for enhanced understanding of the eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-phage interactions that are pervasive in all ecosystems.Many of the world's peatlands have been affected by water table drawdown and subsequent loss of organic matter. Rewetting has been proposed as a measure to restore peatland functioning and to halt carbon loss, but its effectiveness is subject to debate. An important prerequisite for peatland recovery is a return of typical microbial communities, which drive key processes. To evaluate the effect of rewetting, we investigated 13 fen peatland areas across a wide (>1500 km) longitudinal gradient in Europe, in which we compared microbial communities between drained, undrained, and rewetted sites. There was a clear difference in microbial communities between drained and undrained fens, regardless of location. Community recovery upon rewetting was substantial in the majority of sites, and predictive functional profiling suggested a concomitant recovery of biogeochemical peatland functioning. However, communities in rewetted sites were only similar to those of undrained sites when soil organic matter quality (as expressed by cellulose fractions) and quantity were still sufficiently high. We estimate that a minimum organic matter content of ca. 70% is required to enable microbial recovery. We conclude that peatland recovery after rewetting is conditional on the level of drainage-induced degradation severely altered physicochemical peat properties may preclude complete recovery for decades.Cancer drug development has been riddled with high attrition rates, in part, due to poor reproducibility of preclinical models for drug discovery. Poor experimental design and lack of scientific transparency may cause experimental biases that in turn affect data quality, robustness and reproducibility. Here, we pinpoint sources of experimental variability in conventional 2D cell-based cancer drug screens to determine the effect of confounders on cell viability for MCF7 and HCC38 breast cancer cell lines treated with platinum agents (cisplatin and carboplatin) and a proteasome inhibitor (bortezomib). Variance component analysis demonstrated that variations in cell viability were primarily associated with the choice of pharmaceutical drug and cell line, and less likely to be due to the type of growth medium or assay incubation time. Furthermore, careful consideration should be given to different methods of storing diluted pharmaceutical drugs and use of DMSO controls due to the potential risk of evaporation and the subsequent effect on dose-response curves. Optimization of experimental parameters not only improved data quality substantially but also resulted in reproducible results for bortezomib- and cisplatin-treated HCC38, MCF7, MCF-10A, and MDA-MB-436 cells. Taken together, these findings indicate that replicability (the same analyst re-performs the same experiment multiple times) and reproducibility (different analysts perform the same experiment using different experimental conditions) for cell-based drug screens can be improved by identifying potential confounders and subsequent optimization of experimental parameters for each cell line.Organic matter production and decomposition primarily modulate the atmospheric O2 and CO2 levels. The long term marine primary productivity is controlled by the terrestrial input of phosphorus (P), while the marine P cycle would also affect organic matter production. In the past 540 million years, the evolution of terrestrial system, e.g. colonization of continents by vascular land plants in late Paleozoic, would certainly affect terrestrial P input into the ocean, which in turn might have impacted the marine primary productivity and organic carbon burial. However, it remains unclear how the marine P cycle would respond to the change of terrestrial system. Here we reconstruct the secular variations of terrestrial P input and biological utilization of seawater P in Phanerozoic. Our study indicates that riverine dissolved P input and marine P biological utilization (i.e. the fraction of P being buried as organophosphorus) are inversely correlated, suggesting the coupling of continental P input and marine P cycle. We propose an increase of P input would elevate surface ocean productivity, which in turn enhances marine iron redox cycle. Active Fe redox cycle favors the scavenging of seawater P through FeOOH absorption and authigenic phosphate formation in sediments, and accordingly reduces the bioavailability of seawater P. The negative feedback of marine P cycle to terrestrial P input would keep a relatively constant organic carbon burial, limiting the variations of surface Earth temperature and atmospheric O2 level.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.We report and demonstrate for the first time a method to compensate atmospheric group velocity dispersion of terahertz pulses. In ultra-wideband or impulse radio terahertz wireless communication, the atmosphere reshapes terahertz pulses via group velocity dispersion, a result of the frequency-dependent refractivity of air. Without correction, this can significantly degrade the achievable data transmission rate. We present a method for compensating the atmospheric dispersion of terahertz pulses using a cohort of stratified media reflectors. Using this method, we compensated group velocity dispersion in the 0.2-0.3 THz channel under common atmospheric conditions. Based on analytic and numerical simulations, the method can exhibit an in-band power efficiency of greater than 98% and dispersion compensation up to 99% of ideal. Simulations were validated by experimental measurements.Inland waters (rivers, lakes and ponds) are important conduits for the emission of terrestrial carbon in Arctic permafrost landscapes. These emissions are driven by turnover of contemporary terrestrial carbon and additional pre-aged (Holocene and late-Pleistocene) carbon released from thawing permafrost soils, but the magnitude of these source contributions to total inland water carbon fluxes remains unknown. Here we present unique simultaneous radiocarbon age measurements of inland water CO2, CH4 and dissolved and particulate organic carbon in northeast Siberia during summer. We show that >80% of total inland water carbon was contemporary in age, but pre-aged carbon contributed >50% at sites strongly affected by permafrost thaw. CO2 and CH4 were younger than dissolved and particulate organic carbon, suggesting emissions were primarily fuelled by contemporary carbon decomposition. Our findings reveal that inland water carbon emissions from permafrost landscapes may be more sensitive to changes in contemporary carbon turnover than the release of pre-aged carbon from thawing permafrost.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Non-targeted and suspect analyses with liquid chromatography/electrospray/high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/HRMS) are gaining importance as they enable identification of hundreds or even thousands of compounds in a single sample. Here, we present an approach to address the challenge to quantify compounds identified from LC/HRMS data without authentic standards. The approach uses random forest regression to predict the response of the compounds in ESI/HRMS with a mean error of 2.2 and 2.0 times for ESI positive and negative mode, respectively. We observe that the predicted responses can be transferred between different instruments via a regression approach. Furthermore, we applied the predicted responses to estimate the concentration of the compounds without the standard substances. The approach was validated by quantifying pesticides and mycotoxins in six different cereal samples. For applicability, the accuracy of the concentration prediction needs to be compatible with the effect (e.g. toxicology) predictions.