
I posted this on October 7th:

"Is it just me, or are all the billions of dollars being handed to Ukraine starting to look like the biggest money laundering operation in the history of mankind?"

Not one single "like" or comment, but I'm sure it got some eye rolls. Maybe this isn't the place to find the truth after all...


Is it just me, or are all the billions of dollars being handed to Ukraine starting to look like the biggest money laundering operation in the history of mankind?


Three questions I'd love to hear Liz Cheney answer:
1. To date, how much has your Commission cost the Taxpayers?

2. To date, how many witnesses have testified before your Committee?
Follow up: Other than Ms. Hutchinson, how many did you hug after their testimony?

3. When you entered Congress 6.5 years ago your estimated net worth was approx. $7-million. On a salary of $174,000/year you managed to bump your net worth up to over $40-million. Would you care to share with the American public how an alleged honest and ethical member of Congress manages to parlay $1,131,000 in salary into a $36-million windfall in just 6.5 years?


Let's assume the GOP regains a majority in both houses. Let's also assume the GOP regains the Presidency in 2024. Everything is cool, right?


For a Republican majority to have any success, there are hundreds of people in unelected positions who will need to be unceremoniously fired on or before inaugural activities commence for the 47th President.

I can already envision some of you rolling your eyes, but after the politicization of Departments that occurred under Obama, and is occurring under Biden as we speak (e.g. DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, EPA, to name a few), the only way to purge the scourge of Liberalism/Marxism the Left is dying to install is to remove them all, from the clerical staff up to the Department heads.

Problem is, few Republicans - if any - in D.C. have the testicular fortitude to even suggest this needs to happen! In other words, regardless of who holds the majority, regular guys like myself will continue to be forgotten by the "let's-pad-our-bank-account" politicians who infest both sides of the aisle.


For those of us who wondered whether or not the Durham Investigation would be conducted with seriousness and integrity, well, we got or answer today with the Sussman acquittal.

Why not request for recusal of the judge? Would have been perfectly appropriate.

Why were Clinton donors allowed to be seated on the jury?

One juror has a daughter on the same team as Sussman's daughter; how is that allowed?

Looks like business as usual...

How many more people are we going to be assured are of strong character and integrity, and then they prove themselves anything but?

As far as I'm concerned, Durham now goes into the same basket as the likes of Comey and Mueller (to name a few) until he proves otherwise.