Good day all, I would like to say first, thank you to Ben Swann for Sovren and the free speech uncenscored. Second, I would also like to thank all our American Brothers and sisters who are in support of our goal and fight here in Canada with this MASSIVE truck convoy heading to Ottawa to protest and defy these draconian laws in place against us, and to expose and defy the tyrants and global Satanists pushing these mandates. This pathetic man who calls himself leader and Prime Minister of Canada is but a puppet of the real globalists who pull his chain and the chains of all other world leaders enforcing these tyrannical authoritative rules. However, I hold these weak, skeletal tyrant leaders to the same degree of atrocious behavior as the silent dark room globalists whom control them. In fact, I hold this disgusting Canadian Prime Minister and all like minded world leaders to a much worsened, atrocious and disgusting behavior towards human kind. Simply because they all know what they are doing, and what they are creating. They are following orders regardless of the damage being created, all for the love of money and the illusion of power. Who really pushes and promotes the atrocities in most all countries of the world? Not the faces we see, but the faceless ones hiding in the dark. We need to ask ourselves a simple question. If this was a real health emergency world wide, where people were, and still are falling sick and dropping dead everywhere (according to these tyrants of course), why are we all as world nations allowing certain segments of the retail chain etc. to remain open whether somewhat restricted or not? If people are contracting the DEADLY virus (aka the flu) in massive record numbers, why are we still conducting business? Why are they advertising everywhere to take the jab? Why are they coercing and forcing people to take this evil death shot? If sickness, death and pestilence was truly in the streets of our countries, we would all be witnessing it. We would all be locking down willfully and anxiously for a degree of time until the deadly virus would die off. Instead we are told that this is happening without one shred of proof. The lies and deception that has been blanketing humanity is unprecedented. The truth to everything can be easily found on government web sites, CDC, WHO, FDA and many others. All one has to do is look and read rather than take CNN or any other paid media source as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This so called virus has never ever been isolated, fact. Its time to really wake up and see what is being constructed around us all. Ignoring this is the greatest fall of human kind and freedom that has ever happened in our history. Go back to your schooling days and remember, history has always repeated itself. We are now in one of those repeats. Again, I would like to thank all of my American brothers and sisters for standing by and supporting us Canadians and the truck convoy as we attempt to show the tyrants that we are the people of the world not them. We are all Americans because we live in North America. We are all one nation under God and under no one else. The only boarder I see is created by bureaucrats and tyrants not freedom loving people. We live on the same land, breath the same air, and we all cherish the same life. Love you all..

Good day all,
I would like to say first, thank you to Ben Swann for Sovren and the free speech uncenscored. Second, I would also like to thank all our American Brothers and sisters who are in support of our goal and fight here in Canada with this MASSIVE truck convoy heading to Ottawa to protest and defy these draconian laws in place against us, and to expose and defy the tyrants and global Satanists pushing these mandates. This pathetic man who calls himself leader and Prime Minister of Canada is but a puppet of the real globalists who pull his chain and the chains of all other world leaders enforcing these tyrannical authoritative rules. However, I hold these weak, skeletal tyrant leaders to the same degree of atrocious behavior as the silent dark room globalists whom control them. In fact, I hold this disgusting Canadian Prime Minister and all like minded world leaders to a much worsened, atrocious and disgusting behavior towards human kind. Simply because they all know what they are doing, and what they are creating. They are following orders regardless of the damage being created, all for the love of money and the illusion of power. Who really pushes and promotes the atrocities in most all countries of the world? Not the faces we see, but the faceless ones hiding in the dark. We need to ask ourselves a simple question. If this was a real health emergency world wide, where people were, and still are falling sick and dropping dead everywhere (according to these tyrants of course), why are we all as world nations allowing certain segments of the retail chain etc. to remain open whether somewhat restricted or not? If people are contracting the DEADLY virus (aka the flu) in massive record numbers, why are we still conducting business? Why are they advertising everywhere to take the jab? Why are they coercing and forcing people to take this evil death shot? If sickness, death and pestilence was truly in the streets of our countries, we would all be witnessing it. We would all be locking down willfully and anxiously for a degree of time until the deadly virus would die off. Instead we are told that this is happening without one shred of proof. The lies and deception that has been blanketing humanity is unprecedented. The truth to everything can be easily found on government web sites, CDC, WHO, FDA and many others. All one has to do is look and read rather than take CNN or any other paid media source as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This so called virus has never ever been isolated, fact. Its time to really wake up and see what is being constructed around us all. Ignoring this is the greatest fall of human kind and freedom that has ever happened in our history. Go back to your schooling days and remember, history has always repeated itself. We are now in one of those repeats.
Again, I would like to thank all of my American brothers and sisters for standing by and supporting us Canadians and the truck convoy as we attempt to show the tyrants that we are the people of the world not them. We are all Americans because we live in North America. We are all one nation under God and under no one else. The only boarder I see is created by bureaucrats and tyrants not freedom loving people. We live on the same land, breath the same air, and we all cherish the same life.
Love you all..