
we Canadians are done. Like Blind Joe says:

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Pregnant, breastfeeding or considering having a family in the future. May want to postpone the shot.

BREAKING…After re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, a peer-reviewed study has called for […]



reports of natural immunity better than covid shot growing in number

Guest post by Dave Stadulis The Devil is in the Details and The Trends Look Like Hell Some may want to “Follow the Science” since a majority feel it is correct but math provides the true answers.  Math takes the data and determines the trends.  While we must learn from the past 22 months of…



Long read but well worth it, lots of links via Gateway Pundit about natural immunity.

The verdict is in. As has been the case for the past 100 years of modern medicine, natural immunity has – once again – been affirmed to provide more complete and longer-lasting immunity than lab-created vaccines. This week, the Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research published a list of 91 different clinical research studies…



Saturday thoughts. Being a second gen Canadian from a history of courageous men and women who fought to not only come to Canada but to defend its freedoms and having all of that "canceled" to serve a global purpose, well frankly is demoralizing and wrong. People the world over need to start at the grass roots with school boards and city councils etc, get the conservative voices in there. Peacefully demand change and stop being afraid. Good leaders do not incite fear among the populace, they inspire confidence and strength instead. Confidence and strength have been lacking for over a year now. Time to roll up our sleeves and get organized. In Canada that would mean getting the name of the PPC out there and getting people to vote. Get on school boards and city councils, communities having organized protests against the mandates and lock downs etc. Have a great Saturday and blessings.